US Nuclear Plant Database

Most recent NRC data from: 12/20/2024 12:00:00 AM (NRC does not update power data on weekends or holidays)

Below is a plotting tool and tables with information on all currently operating US nuclear plants:

Plot Power Tool

Enter the name of the plant you want to see the power history of and how many days back you want to see the power (MAX: 360 days), then click "PLOT"

Note: Incorrect spelling will cause an error, but case does not matter

US Plant Table

Search the table for any field here:

ID Plant Name Power Stability Design Design Company NRC Region
1 Beaver Valley 1 100 Stable PWR, 3-Loop Westinghouse 1
2 Beaver Valley 2 100 Stable PWR, 3-loop Westinghouse 1
3 Calvert Cliffs 1 100 Stable PWR, 2-loop Combustion 1
4 Calvert Cliffs 2 100 Stable PWR, 2-loop Combustion 1
5 FitzPatrick 100 Stable BWR-4 GE 1
6 Ginna 100 Stable PWR, 2-loop Westinghouse 1
7 Hope Creek 1 100 Stable BWR-4 GE 1
8 Limerick 1 100 Stable BWR-4 GE 1
9 Limerick 2 100 Stable BWR-4 GE 1
10 Millstone 2 100 Stable PWR, 2-loop Combustion 1
11 Millstone 3 100 Stable PWR, 4-loop Westinghouse 1
12 Nine Mile Point 1 90 Stable BWR-2 GE 1
13 Nine Mile Point 2 100 Stable BWR-5 GE 1
14 Peach Bottom 2 100 Stable BWR-4 GE 1
15 Peach Bottom 3 100 Stable BWR-4 GE 1
16 Salem 1 100 Stable PWR, 4-loop Westinghouse 1
17 Salem 2 100 Stable PWR, 4-loop Westinghouse 1
18 Seabrook 1 79 Stable PWR, 4-loop Westinghouse 1
19 Susquehanna 1 100 Stable BWR-4 GE 1
20 Susquehanna 2 99 Stable BWR-4 GE 1
21 Browns Ferry 1 100 Stable BWR-4 GE 2
22 Browns Ferry 2 100 Stable BWR-4 GE 2
23 Browns Ferry 3 100 Stable BWR-4 GE 2
24 Brunswick 1 100 Stable BWR-4 GE 2
25 Brunswick 2 100 Stable BWR-4 GE 2
26 Catawba 1 100 Stable PWR, 4-loop Westinghouse 2
27 Catawba 2 100 Stable PWR, 4-loop Westinghouse 2
28 Farley 1 100 Stable PWR, 3-loop Westinghouse 2
29 Farley 2 100 Stable PWR, 3-loop Westinghouse 2
30 Harris 1 100 Stable PWR, 3-loop Westinghouse 2
31 Hatch 1 100 Stable BWR-4 GE 2
32 Hatch 2 90 Stable BWR-4 GE 2
33 McGuire 1 100 Stable PWR, 4-loop Westinghouse 2
34 McGuire 2 100 Stable PWR, 4-loop Westinghouse 2
35 North Anna 1 100 Stable PWR, 3-loop Westinghouse 2
36 North Anna 2 100 Stable PWR, 3-loop Westinghouse 2
37 Oconee 1 100 Stable PWR, Lowered Loop Plant B&W 2
38 Oconee 2 100 Stable PWR, Lowered Loop Plant B&W 2
39 Oconee 3 100 Stable PWR, Lowered Loop Plant B&W 2
40 Robinson 2 100 Stable PWR, 3-loop Westinghouse 2
41 Saint Lucie 1 100 Stable PWR, 2-loop Combustion 2
42 Saint Lucie 2 100 Stable PWR, 2-loop Combustion 2
43 Sequoyah 1 100 Stable PWR, 4-loop Westinghouse 2
44 Sequoyah 2 0 Stable PWR, 4-loop Westinghouse 2
45 Summer 100 Stable PWR, 3-loop Westinghouse 2
46 Surry 1 100 Stable PWR, 3-loop Westinghouse 2
47 Surry 2 100 Stable PWR, 3-loop Westinghouse 2
48 Turkey Point 3 100 Stable PWR, 3-loop Westinghouse 2
49 Turkey Point 4 100 Stable PWR, 3-loop Westinghouse 2
50 Vogtle 1 100 Stable PWR, 4-loop Westinghouse 2
51 Vogtle 2 100 Stable PWR, 4-loop Westinghouse 2
52 Vogtle 3 100 Stable PWR, AP1000 Westinghouse 2
53 Vogtle 4 100 Increasing PWR, AP1000 Westinghouse 2
54 Watts Bar 1 100 Stable PWR, 4-loop Westinghouse 2
55 Watts Bar 2 100 Stable PWR, 4-loop Westinghouse 2
56 Braidwood 1 100 Stable PWR, 4-loop Westinghouse 3
57 Braidwood 2 100 Stable PWR, 4-loop Westinghouse 3
58 Byron 1 100 Stable PWR, 4-loop Westinghouse 3
59 Byron 2 100 Stable PWR, 4-loop Westinghouse 3
60 Clinton 100 Stable BWR-6 GE 3
61 D.C. Cook 1 100 Stable PWR, 4-loop Westinghouse 3
62 D.C. Cook 2 100 Stable PWR, 4-loop Westinghouse 3
63 Davis-Besse 100 Stable PWR, Raised Loop Plant B&W 3
64 Dresden 2 100 Stable BWR-3 GE 3
65 Dresden 3 100 Stable BWR-3 GE 3
66 Fermi 2 100 Stable BWR-4 GE 3
67 LaSalle 1 100 Stable BWR-5 GE 3
68 LaSalle 2 100 Stable BWR-5 GE 3
69 Monticello 100 Stable BWR-3 GE 3
70 Perry 1 100 Stable BWR-6 GE 3
71 Point Beach 1 100 Stable PWR, 2-loop Westinghouse 3
72 Point Beach 2 100 Stable PWR, 2-loop Westinghouse 3
73 Prairie Island 1 0 Stable PWR, 2-loop Westinghouse 3
74 Prairie Island 2 100 Stable PWR, 2-loop Westinghouse 3
75 Quad Cities 1 100 Stable BWR-3 GE 3
76 Quad Cities 2 100 Stable BWR-3 GE 3
77 Arkansas Nuclear 1 100 Stable PWR, Lowered Loop Plant B&W 4
78 Arkansas Nuclear 2 100 Stable PWR, 2-loop Combustion 4
79 Callaway 100 Stable PWR, 4-loop (SNUPPS) Westinghouse 4
80 Columbia Generating Station 100 Stable BWR-5 GE 4
81 Comanche Peak 1 100 Stable PWR, 4-loop Westinghouse 4
82 Comanche Peak 2 100 Stable PWR, 4-loop Westinghouse 4
83 Cooper 100 Stable BWR-4 GE 4
84 Diablo Canyon 1 100 Stable PWR, 4-loop Westinghouse 4
85 Diablo Canyon 2 100 Stable PWR, 4-loop Westinghouse 4
86 Grand Gulf 1 100 Stable BWR-6 GE 4
87 Palo Verde 1 100 Stable PWR, CE80 2-loop Combustion 4
88 Palo Verde 2 100 Stable PWR, CE80 2-loop Combustion 4
89 Palo Verde 3 100 Stable PWR, CE80 2-loop Combustion 4
90 River Bend Station 1 100 Stable BWR-6 GE 4
91 South Texas 1 100 Stable PWR, 4-loop Westinghouse 4
92 South Texas 2 100 Stable PWR, 4-loop Westinghouse 4
93 Waterford 3 94 Stable PWR, 2-loop Combustion 4
94 Wolf Creek 1 100 Stable PWR, 4-loop (SNUPPS) Westinghouse 4